
Oddness and Overdoses of Time

It continues to get more odd. When do people have the time to find these things- or put them together, for that matter?

Thanks to Josh Garboczi, I now know:

What color I am
(blue- Greg, you'll be happy to note that orange was pretty high up)

What dog I am
(sorry, Lucky, it claims I'm a German Shepard)

And last but not least, what Jedi I most resemble

(click below picture to access test)

I'm Qui-Gon Jinn, which Jedi Knight are you???
Take the Jedi Personality Quiz at MHoNiP

For the curious, you can also discover:

What Lord of the Rings character you are
(I'm supposedly most like Beregond- guard of the city of Minas Tirith)

What Wheel of Time character you are
(heh... Ask me later)

And what listing would be complete without "Which Historical Lunatic Are You?"

I'm Joshua Abraham Norton, the first and only Emperor of the United States of America!
Which Historical Lunatic Are You?

Well, there it is. Let me know what results you get!

Dissected and labeled left, right, and center,
