Which Jane Austen character are you? Find out here: http://quizilla.com/users/merriefuller/quizzes/Which%20Jane%20Austen%20Character%20Are%20You%3F/
My results:

You are the true hero(ine)! Sensible, steady and
mature, you are the lynchpin of your circle of
friends and family.
Male: At your
best, you are a dynamo combination of Mr.
Knightley from Emma and Colonel Brandon
from Sense and Sensibility. At your
worst, you may be briefly beguiled by silly
women (cf. Edward Ferrars in Sense and
Sensibility and Captain Wentworth's
behavior toward Lousia Musgrove in
Persuasion), but in the end, you'll win
through and end up with the proper heroine.
Female: You are Elinor from Sense and
Sensibility! Wise beyond your years, you
are all too aware of the folly of those around
you. You are "sense" personified,
and without you, things would certainly fall
Which Jane Austen Character Are You?
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